Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Growing, Growing, Growing...

Well, we are officially FULL TERM! I hit 37 weeks on Monday and boy do I feel it (or should I say "Girl, do I feel it!") I am swollen, to the point of not being able to wear my wedding ring. I am gaining weight at an insane rate, to which I don't care anymore. I have heartburn so bad that at night it gives me the hiccups. I have to pee all the time, seriously this is an understatement. My belly is so big that my back aches constantly, which is just increased by the physical demands of being a preschool SpEd teacher. However, I must say that even with all that, I FINALLY LOVE BEING PREGNANT! Why you ask....because I am not throwing up, and if I learned only one thing in the first 27 weeks it is "A day without throwing up is a great day!" Its all about perspective.
Here we are in all our large glory. HUGE! 
We are now at the point where we are going to the doctor every week. Last Friday at our 36 week appointment, Dr. Nash asked me if I was feeling any contractions. I told her I was still having Braxton Hicks Contractions but nothing really consistent or painful. However, I have to be honest, I have no clue what is happening during the day at school. I don't know if she is moving a lot or if I am having contractions because I am so focused on the little ones surrounding me and demanding my full attention.  Needless to say, Dr. Nash said that if I wasn't feeling contractions that I probably didn't have much progress. So, she was shocked when she examined me she found I was already dilated to a two and 75% effaced. Meaning, the time is getting close, real close.

It was at this point that I may have had a mild melt down and went into serious nesting mode. I had never thought about going early, I really thought I would have til April 22nd or later. I freaked much to do at both home and school. I called Noah and told him that I was going to go get a pedicure with a gift certificate I got for Christmas (who wants to look at ugly toes when you are pushing, not I. Plus it did help me relax a lot.) and that he needed to install the car seat before I got home. We then proceeded to wash all her blankets and newborn clothes, pack our hospital bags, and clean the house. And, I have gotten tons done at school in the past few days! Plans for the end of the year are done. 3 IEPS written, signed, and submitted. 3 sets of transition paperwork are done and another teacher has been informed just in case I don't make it to the meetings. Data sheets are made and ready to be turned over to my paraeducators so they can start taking data for me while I am gone.

I feel so much more relaxed than I did last week. Enough is done at school that if I had to step away today, it would be ok. And all is ready at home. Her room looks good, real good. I find myself just sitting in there sometimes.

I can't wait to meet her. To see what her face looks like, to feel her skin, kiss her head, count her toes, and put a bow in her hair. However, in the mean time, whether she is early, late, or right on time, I will enjoy this time. Feeling each kick, enjoying each moment, loving her while she is in there.