Friday, August 22, 2014

August Happenins'

Welp, it has been a crazy month to say the least. School started at full throttle speed and Miss B turned 15 months

It has been a month of adjustment to say the least. We spent the beginning of the month savoring the last moments of summer, the middle of the summer starting to get back into the routine of summer school and the end of the month still trying to get a handle of this new school year's routine :)

Here is an update...picture style!

 We had lots of fun picking lots of produce from our garden. We average 35 tomatoes, 12 bell peppers, and 15 jalepenos a week. Needless to say we are gonna have lots of spaghetti sauce and salsa come this fall!

Enjoying one of our last mornings of summer!

Everyday is a ROCK CHALK day here. 

 We had a fun time going to the JoCo Fair with
 Aunt Rissa and Uncle RyRy

If you hold a phone in this girl's face and say "cheese" this is what you get, what a cheeser!

Blakely enjoys cooking while momma is cooking. 
Big month for B. She got her orthotic inserts that help her stablize her ankles. As hard as it is to watch her have to wear them, they have already helped her immensely and she is beginning to occasionally stand on her own for a few seconds at a time. Hopefully our next post will be all about walking!

She is so silly.
Hanging out after her first day back to daycare.

But clearly she is well loved at the Hincks. God Bless Mrs. Chrystal and her wonderful family.

Blakely loves to go to the park with her Mrs. Chrystal

Hanging out in the garage.

First friday after a full week of school. She was moody and I was tired. This combination resulted in screen time....which Blakely like NEVER watches TV. But I was at my max and she enjoyed the Christmas Veggie Tale in August
I am trying to be better about taking pictures with my girl.
She LOVES Trinity's hammock.

This kid loves to eat and was begging for more!

15 Months OLD!

Blakely had her 15 month check up the beginning of August and needless to say she is a growing girl! We are so thankful for the is sweet girl and the joy she brings to our lives!

Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz 57th Percentile
Holy Cow Batman! She had a huge growth spurt! Before this appointment she had never been over the 20th percentile and usually hung around the 10th percentile. This will probably drop back down as she begins to walk (hopefully soon!)

Length: 31.25 inches 64th Percentile
This also increased a lot. She was in the 30th percentile at her one year appointment. I mean, we knew this had to increase being her mommy and daddy are both tall! 

Head Circumference: 18.5 inches 82nd Percentile
This jumped in percentiles too, but only by 10% and with her huge jumps in weight and height her numbers are actually starting to even out :) Still a whopper of a head! 

On the Move:
Well she is on the move for sure, just not on her feet. She is cruising around on everything from thing to thing and pulls up on anything and everything but she refuses to walk or stand independently. She will be getting braces that will help stabilize her anklies soon and that should help her take off! 

The kid likes to eat, clearly...she has packed on the pounds. She eats anything we give her and especially likes fruit and would be ok with not eating meat. With all the teeth she is getting it is making it so she can eat bigger chunks of food and just bite off pieces. I can give her whole strawberries that I just cut the top off of.

She is a sleeper for sure. She sleeps from 8 pm- 7 am everyday and since going back to daycare has switched from taking two naps that are 1-2 hours long to one 2-3 hour nap. It works really well for Mrs. Chrystal's schedule and gives Blakely the rest she needs to be happy during the day but sleepy enough to go down peacefully at night time. 

Max the Dog, or Bubba as she calls him. If left to her own devices she would spend her day chasing him around the house. She likes to deliver toys to him and give him food from her high chair. 

She also loves playing with Mrs. Chrystal's middle daughter Olivia in the morning before Liv goes to school. She just plain loves the Hinck's house and family in general. Blakely's mommy and daddy love them too and are so thankful for how much they take care of our girl like their own.


Chewing on....everything. I recently bought her a chew necklace so that she would stop putting everything in her mouth. Everyone thinks it is just part of her "diva" look to go with the bows but really it is because I am sick of say "yucky, don't put it in your mouth!"

Walking and Standing independently. For reals, she hates it. Its gonna send me to the loony bin. 

We love this sweet girl and life with her! 

She loves him. He lets her. 

The teething necklace :)

Little Cheeser

Blakely spent the night at Nana and Papa's while
 Mommy and Daddy went out for their anniversary.

Clearly their house is way fun! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

July at the Wells'

Remember how I said we were excited for a less busy July? Ha. Well July was definitely exciting but I can't say it was less busy. Somehow we always seem to fill up our schedule :)

We started the month out with a visit to Garden City to see Noah's family for the fourth of July. We had a wonderful time relaxing with Noah's parents, going to the zoo, visiting Blakely's Great Grandma Bertie and Great Grandpa Bill, and watching fireworks.

minor food malfunction on the roadtrip to GC

Enjoying the new swing at Grandma and Grandpa's

Apparently the kennel is more comfortable than the pack and play

Fun at the zoo! 

more fun at the zoo!

She had to try out every toy

This was her favorite! 

Wasn't too sure about going down the slide with mommy.

What a goober! 
This is my favorite picture of the weekend,
Blakely and her Great Grandpa Bill. Such Sweetness
After we got back from Garden City my cousin and her three kiddos came and stayed with us for a long weekend. We had a great time and visited LegoLand...awesome place for kids of all ages!

Real or Lego, she loves puppies
or as she says "bubbas"

I mean, where else can you ride a giraffe?

rare mommy and her girl picture
Then Grandma and Grandpa Wells and Tia came to visit. We took Tia shopping for a wedding dress and spent time hanging out with family.

Climbing up onto the stage. Hold on sister,
mom is not ready for you to try on wedding dresses yet! 

Unfortunately while they were here Blakely spiked a high fever.
The fever stuck around for a week and we ended up in the dr's office TWICE!

We also took Blakely to the Gardner "BIG POOL" for the first time. She loved it! I don't have any pictures of Blakely in the water but we snapped a few before going into the pool!

We also had the infamous strawberry incident. Apparently Blakely has great self help skills. Mommy won't be putting groceries next to her anymore!


And because there isn't enough pictures already, here are some more! Clearly we are LOVING summer break!

Giving momma love

we love our "sunnies"

silly pictures with mommy!
early morning fun!

Blakely wants a pony.
Daddy Says NO PONIES!
Only four wheeling horse power!

Even Daddy had a fun summer break.

But even with as busy as July was, we took time to relax and enjoy the important things. Life is Good!