Friday, August 22, 2014

15 Months OLD!

Blakely had her 15 month check up the beginning of August and needless to say she is a growing girl! We are so thankful for the is sweet girl and the joy she brings to our lives!

Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz 57th Percentile
Holy Cow Batman! She had a huge growth spurt! Before this appointment she had never been over the 20th percentile and usually hung around the 10th percentile. This will probably drop back down as she begins to walk (hopefully soon!)

Length: 31.25 inches 64th Percentile
This also increased a lot. She was in the 30th percentile at her one year appointment. I mean, we knew this had to increase being her mommy and daddy are both tall! 

Head Circumference: 18.5 inches 82nd Percentile
This jumped in percentiles too, but only by 10% and with her huge jumps in weight and height her numbers are actually starting to even out :) Still a whopper of a head! 

On the Move:
Well she is on the move for sure, just not on her feet. She is cruising around on everything from thing to thing and pulls up on anything and everything but she refuses to walk or stand independently. She will be getting braces that will help stabilize her anklies soon and that should help her take off! 

The kid likes to eat, clearly...she has packed on the pounds. She eats anything we give her and especially likes fruit and would be ok with not eating meat. With all the teeth she is getting it is making it so she can eat bigger chunks of food and just bite off pieces. I can give her whole strawberries that I just cut the top off of.

She is a sleeper for sure. She sleeps from 8 pm- 7 am everyday and since going back to daycare has switched from taking two naps that are 1-2 hours long to one 2-3 hour nap. It works really well for Mrs. Chrystal's schedule and gives Blakely the rest she needs to be happy during the day but sleepy enough to go down peacefully at night time. 

Max the Dog, or Bubba as she calls him. If left to her own devices she would spend her day chasing him around the house. She likes to deliver toys to him and give him food from her high chair. 

She also loves playing with Mrs. Chrystal's middle daughter Olivia in the morning before Liv goes to school. She just plain loves the Hinck's house and family in general. Blakely's mommy and daddy love them too and are so thankful for how much they take care of our girl like their own.


Chewing on....everything. I recently bought her a chew necklace so that she would stop putting everything in her mouth. Everyone thinks it is just part of her "diva" look to go with the bows but really it is because I am sick of say "yucky, don't put it in your mouth!"

Walking and Standing independently. For reals, she hates it. Its gonna send me to the loony bin. 

We love this sweet girl and life with her! 

She loves him. He lets her. 

The teething necklace :)

Little Cheeser

Blakely spent the night at Nana and Papa's while
 Mommy and Daddy went out for their anniversary.

Clearly their house is way fun! 

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