Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wells Family Photos

When we were in Garden City for Thanksgiving we had some professional pictures taken so we could update Grandma and Grandpa's pictures to include Miss Blakely.

She did a great job and was quite the ham :)

Love this little family

Love these family

notice...she is kicking off the boots! 

pure joy

be still my heart

Blakely loves her Auntie and Uncle
Blakely loves her Tia

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Seven Sweet Months!

The babe is 7 months old and getting so big! She is eating food, rolling around, blowing raspberries, reaching out to people and stealing more and more of our hearts each day! She can even sit on her own if her hands are out in front of her!

7 months isn't official doctor appointment month, however we had to go to the doctor the day before her 7 month birthday because little miss got sick! She had a yucky cough and sure enough it was croup (severe cold). However she was quite the temperature and she was her normal happy self!

14 lbs 5.5 She gained almost a pound this month!

Not sure

Not Sure

She can still wear 3 month onesies, but even those are getting a little short and 3 month pants are definitely too short! 3-6 month labeled clothes fit the best, with only a little room to spare and we can fit into some 6 month clothing.

She is definitely a social butterfly and craves interaction with others. She loves to jabber in the backseat while I am driving and many mornings I can hear her happily babbling when she first wakes up. If she is unhappy she is usually consolable with a song or talking.

On The Move:
She is so close to independently sitting! She can sit for a bit when her hands are out in front of her (she looks like a puppy with her paws out in front!) She is trying hard to crawl and can pull her feet underneath her in tummy time. I am definitely ready for her sit independently, crawling is another thing; we still need to get our carpets cleaned and baby proof the house!

I am one discouraged and exhausted momma! Sister has not been sleeping well at all! She hasn't slept through the night since October 19th (not that anyone is keeping track or anything). I don't think it would be as bad if it wasn't for the fact that she was sleeping so well before. I mean from month 3 to month 6 she was sleeping 11 hours straight, getting up only once to eat, if that. In Blakely's defense it has been a rough month filled with shots, time change, THREE teeth, and a bought with a bad cough and croup. But let me tell you sister, the cold is gone and so are the nights of lost sleep. Tomorrow I am reading the "sleep regression" chapter in Baby Wise and its on like donkey kong. We are jumping back on the sleep train!

Luckily she has continued to nap well. She takes a morning and an afternoon nap, each one usually 1-2 hours in length.

This chick LOVES to eat. Carrots, Squash, and Sweet Potatoes are some favorites. We have also tried green beans and peas. However, she might be allergic to one or both of those. She broke out in a rash around her mouth and didn't pay attention to it at first because I thought it was because of all the drool and cold weather. However, halfway through trying green beans I thought maybe this is from food so we eliminated green veggies and sure enough it went right away. I called Dr. Nash and told her and she said to try and reintroduce the veggies again in a month a see if it happens again.

We are moving to fruits and taste tasting them all! We have yet to find a food this girly doesn't like! This weekend I am trying my hand at making baby food for the first time, I am super excited!

Life, overall she is a generally happy happy girl!

Sleeping through the night :)

Noah reading "Goodnight Moon" to Blakely and her cousin Keagan. 

Cuddling with Daddy

Early morning picture with my babies

6 month pictures are hard work!

Cuddles for mommy 

Playing with Daddy

Tummy Time

New Favorite Toy: exersaucer!

independently prop sitting!

fell asleep in momma's arms at momma's school auction.

having a serious conversation.

naptime cuddles

you lookin' at me? Yeah, I'm cute!