Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Babe is 2 Months Old!

Where has the time gone? Blakely Mae is 2 months old! 
Yep, she smiles ALL the time now! 

Yep, we still don't have the best head control, so we went for the sweet "lean to the side" look.

Lots of other accomplishments too!
It has been a busy month for the Beemer! She is growing and learning and really starting to get used to the world outside the womb. Here are some highlights! I mean, I really could go on and on bragging about this girl of mine!

Dr. Appointment
We went to the doctor today for Blakely's 2 month appointment and I must say it went a lot better than her 2 week appointment! However, we did have to make a call into to Dr. Hilary last Tuesday because after not going to the lactation group where I was weighing her each week for three weeks (she was doing so well that I thought we could stop going) I went back last Tuesday (6/11/13) and in the three weeks that we had missed, little girl had only gained 10 oz, which is about 3 oz per week, where ideally we would like her to gain 4-7 oz per week. Positive side is she is still gaining and not losing, just a little under the low side of the comfortable weight gain. Also, while there we did a weigh, feed, weigh feeding to see how much she was getting during a normal feeding and she only gained 2 oz where as an ideal feed at her age should be 3-4 oz. The lactation specialist thought that there might be something wrong with my supply and when we called Dr. Hilary she agreed and has put me on a medicine that has increased my supply significantly. I am happy to say that on Tuesday Blakely had gained 7.5 oz since the previous Tuesday and at the weigh feed weigh feeding that day she gained 4 oz! Whoever said breast feeding is easy and should come naturally is smoking some kind of crazy person is hard work, but we are determined to make it work! I think the problem all stems from when she was in the NICU. Most NICU babies aren't breastfeeding as a way of nutrition, its only for learning to suck and bonding purposes, so they only had me feed her every 3 hours and if she was in the room with me she would have been feeding more like every 1-2 hours. Since she was not demanding as often, my supply didn't build up adequately and we have been playing catch up ever since! 
Note to self: next time....pump the heck out of myself in the hospital to build that supply! 

Stats at 2 Month Apppointment

Height: 22.5" (55th percentile)
I think she is going to be a tall one like her Mom and Dad!

Weight: 9lbs 7.5 oz (12th percentile)
Yes, she's a little one. No, the doctor isn't concerned :)
I get hounded about this a lot, even by strangers. And with all the work we have done to get my supply up, its a bit of a touchy subject. When it comes down to it, I have prayed for years my kids would be skinny like their daddy and not have weight issues like their momma. Well, God answered my prayer obviously :)

Head Circumfrence: I can't remember this one :)
But, it still looks flipping huge to me. Its cause she is going to be genius!

SHOTS! Little girl also got 3 shots at the Doctor's office.
She took it like a champ. She only cried while it was happening and the moment I picked her up she stopped and fell asleep. She slept and cuddled for the rest of the day. Laying her down at night was the first time since the shots she was not being held by me, Noah, or Aunt Karissa. Minus the time spent in the car on the the way home from the appointment, because well, that is illegal and a child endangerment charged would be frowned upon in my profession as an early childhood educator.

Insert picture that I should of taken of Beemer and her Aunt Karissa. Thanks Kissa for going with us, I couldn't have done it on my own! 

She is still wearing newborn clothes at this point. However, the 0-3 clothes aren't too far away, which is good because she has a TON of cute 0-3 month summer outfits!!!

She is getting better about letting others hold her. Still loves to suck on fingers but is now taking a pacifer from people besides Mommy and Daddy which makes it easier to pass her off. She is smiling ALL the time which is so much fun! We have even heard what think is a giggle or two!

On The Move
She is still rather stationary. However, she can now see 12 feet in front of her, instead of just 12 inches. She is starting to bat at things in front of her and semi-track people and items in front of her. She will turn her head to look in the direction of noises and voices.

Still just momma's milk :)

She is an a-m-a-z-i-n-g sleeper! With the help of the book Baby Wise we have developed a good bedtime routine where we give her a bath and lotion her up with night time lotion and then Noah's reads her a book and then a devotion from a baby devotional book and then one of us prays while I nurse her to sleep. She loves to be swaddled like a burrito and lately she barely even fusses when she lays down. We put her down around 9:45-10:15 pm and she will sleep til 8 or 9 am with one or two feedings between 3:30-4:00 am and 6:00-7:00 am. This has made it easy for mommy and daddy to start doing the workout INSANITY together each night and then mommy takes a shower and pumps before bed. Mommy needs to get better about sleeping when baby sleeps. Instead of doing things like writing a blog posting at 12:45 am :)

She like her mommy and is kind of a momma's girl. But I am ok with that, it makes me feel kind of good that she knows who I am and relaxes instantly when she is in my arms

She likes to lay under her play gym for 5-10 minute max. All goes downhill at minute 11 :)

Loves her swing!

Loves her portable soundmaker, and so does mommy! If she is crying in the car, I turn that thing on and bam....quiet baby!

Dirty and Wet Diapers. She lets you know the moment it happens. (FYI: she is in cloth diapers now, and mommy is LOVING IT!)

Being Hungry. There is no warning, her hunger cry screams "I am hungry and I was hungry 5 minutes ago!"

Tummy Time....therefore mommy is really bad about doing enough of it. But Dr. Hilary said no worries her head looks good and her head control is developmentally appropriate.

We love this little girl so much. And thank God daily for her presence in our lives! 
Little brother and sister bonding time. They are going to be best buds! 

How we spend our days! 

Playing under the play gym!

My little burrito baby! 

cutest. picture. ever.

This is what happens when mommy forget to take the bow off in the car.

baby! but look at that cute cloth diaper! 

Loves that swing, especially in just her diaper! 

Cuddles after shots.

She may not looked comfortable but she wiggled her self  into this position and stayed this way for a long time. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Daddy's First Father's Day

Being that this was Noah's first father's day I wanted to make it super special! I had already told him that his gift was that I was getting his four wheeler professionally tuned up so that he would be ready to take it out on fourth of July. I wanted it to be a surprise but it is difficult to secretly remove a big bright yellow four wheeler from the garage :)

Since his biggest most expensive gift was not a surprise I had to get really creative so that at least a little bit of the day would be a surprise.

So Friday while he was at work and Little Miss was snoozing I made a batch of his favorite cookies: chocolate chip cookies made like his mom makes them...with semi sweet chips. Sick if you ask me. Nothing about chocolate should ever be bitter or semi sweet. I am definitely not a baker, cooking is my thing. Baking is too exact...what happens if you add to much of something while baking...DISASTER. What happens if you are cooking and add to much cheese...No such thing. What happens if you forget a ingredient while baking...DISASTER. What happens if you forget an ingredient when big deal, just add it then. However, I must say that after being married to Mr. Wells for nearly five years now and with the help of my Kitchen Aid mixer, I am a pro at chocolate chip cookies, darn near perfect, even without a recipe :) Any who, back on topic, I made the cookies and hid them in a cabinet I knew he wouldn't open.

Then Saturday night at 11:30 while Beemer and Noah were sleeping and I was pumping I made Noah a card from me and a card from his daughter. The card from Blakely included a poem, not gonna a lie, that girl is a genius, the poem is real good.

I finally made it to bed around 1 am and then next morning I got Blakely Bear all dressed in her Father's Day get up and we headed to church.

Side Note: As we were leaving and I was grabbing breakfast on the go I realized I had planned to make Noah his favorite breakfast, cinnamon rolls (from a can, Sorry Grandma Bertie...I don't have time right now to make real ones for your grandson!) But with staying up late working on the cards and the chaos that is a Sunday morning and trying to get myself and Blakely ready and out the door on time, I just completely forgot! Sorry babe!

We had a great time at church and then we headed to my parents for our weekly Sunday Dinner. Of course, in the 1/2 mile drive from church to my parents Blakely had a massive blow out. Noah went to pick her up and was all over the carseat, her cothes, her body and now...Noah's shirt. Being that it was Father's Day and all I tried not to get too excited about this. You see....the man hadn't experience a Beemer Blowout yet. It always seemed to happen during the day when I am home by myself.

We ended the day by watching the Nascar race, taking a long walk, and reading Blakely some Good Ole Curious George! I'd call it a success and hopefully he would too!

On a serious note, I am blessed beyond measure to call this man not only my husband but the father of my child. He loves me unconditionally, taking the good, the bad, and the ugly. And let's be honest, probably a whole lot more of the bad and the ugly than he deserves. I have loved this man since the first weekend I went home with him to ride four wheelers (seven years ago next month) and my love has grown more and more every day. However, Father's Day was a reminder of how much my love for him grew on April 20th, 2013 at 4:58 am when Blakely Mae Wells entered our lives and he looked into her eyes. I am certain that there is nothing better than watching him love and care for our daughter.

Happy FIRST Father's Day Daddy! Love, Wifey and The Beemer! 

Yummy Cookies just for the best Daddy a Beemer could have! 

Look at the precious outfit, to bad it ended so messy :(

Blakely's Poem for her Daddy. Not sure how Mommy, I mean Blakely, is going to top this next year! 
Perfect end to a perfect day! Noah read his favorite childhood book to his baby.

This is what happens when Mommy leaves Blakely and Daddy alone. Silly! 

More silly time with Daddy!