Thursday, November 14, 2013


Sister Sue loves to Eat! Seriously, the first time we gave her actual baby food she ate the whole container of carrots!

We were told at our four month appointment awhile back that we could start rice cereal out of a bowl anytime or wait until 6 months. I decided to wait. I wasn't ready and between her not having the best head control yet and the fact that we had just started supplementing breast feeding with one formula bottle a day, I didn't feel like she was ready either.

About a week before her 6 month appointment I noticed she was taking an interest in eating. She watched us very intently whenever we were eating.

We started with doing rice cereal 1-2 per day for a week. Then this past weekend we added carrots. She is now eating rice cereal in the mid morning and then a veggie in the evenings at dinner. We are adding different veggies one at a time, three days at a time (to make sure there is no food allergies). First we will try 3 different orange veggies and then do different green veggies. We want to introduce lots of veggies  before fruit so that she doesn't develop a sweet tooth and not like the veggies (like her momma!)

Eventually she will be eating yogurt or rice cereal in the morning, a fruit and veggie at lunch and a veggie and meat at dinner. YIKES, she is growing up!

I plan on making all her baby food but right now as we are "taste testing" I am buying organic jars of food. I don't want to make a whole batch of something and discover she either doesn't like or is allergic to it.

This has been such a fun milestone!


First time!

I got this mom, I can do it myself! 

Carrots at Nana's for Sunday dinner.

Shirts are over rated when feeding a baby :)


She is getting so big, so fast! 

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