Monday, May 26, 2014

And 12 Months Make A Year!

Holy Cow, the babe is ONE! On one hand it seems like just yesterday we were in the delivery room seeing her for the first time...those precious memories are so vivid in my mind. And on the other hand I can hardly remember life before her.

As I look back over the past year I am overwhelmed with such a feeling of accomplishment. I mean, we made it. We overcame obstacles that at the time seemed so big but looking back I can see God's hand at work in it all. We are truly so blessed she is happy, healthy, and all ours!

Here is our last monthly blog. Well, I shouldn't say that I still plan on blogging maybe just not so much based on her months and more on the happenings in our lives :)

Weight: 17 lb 15 oz
She is in the 14th percentile in weight.
Clearly my 10 and 11 month estimations were way off.
She is a tiny little booger!

Length: 29 1/4 inches
She is in the 47th percentile.
We are buying a new car seat this weekend!

Head Circumference: can't remember the measurment
but she is in the 72nd percentile, big ole head she has!

Sizes: She is still mostly wearing clothes labeled 6-12 months and 9 month. I have tried a few 12 month outfits and in all but a few of them she swims in them.

Social: She gave a clear dada for Noah this week, which is fun. I think this is the area I most excited to see her bloom and grow. Bring on the words!

On The Move: She is crawling! She is rather slow and doesn't crawl often. The kid just isn't very motivated, she prefers just to find one toy and lay on her back. She is the most motivated if she is sitting on the floor and I sit down on the other side of the room. She is pulling up on everything, including her crib. We are going to have to shell out some big bucks to buy some crib protectors because she is chewing her crib to bits! Little stinker!

Food: She eats so much and pretty much anything and everything. Which is why I am surprised she has only gained 1.5 lbs since her 9 month appointment. Guess she was just made to be petite :)

Sleep: Still sleeping well at naps and through the night. Thank you Jesus!

Likes: eating, bath time, walks, playing with mommy and daddy, and her new favorite....biting.

Oh yes, I am pretty sure I have that child...the biter. We are working hard to "discipline." When she bites I light flick her mouth, sternly say "NO, NO BITE! THAT HURTS!" And immediately put her down facing the oppisite direction of me. At first I would just flick and sternly say no and she would just laugh and smile at me. But now that I am putting her down she will pout and cry.

Dislike: When she can see mommy and mommy is not holding her, getting her nose wiped. Other than that she is a happy happy happy girl!

Here are some pictures of the past month.

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