Friday, January 4, 2013


After much waiting we finally revealed the gender of Baby Wells'! We had our sonogram that identified Baby Wells' gender way back around Thanksgiving but Noah and we decided that we would wait to reveal the gender until right before Christmas when his parents and my parents could all be present. So, Noah and I waited to find out until they did. My best friend Karissa went with us to the sonogram and became the beloved secret holder. She did a great job keeping the secret, only telling her sister, husband, and my other best friend Jillian.

Many people couldn't believe that we would actually let someone else know before us. However, I knew that with my crazy semester of finishing up my master's degree 12 hours of coursework, teaching full time, and being as sick as a dog that I would not even have time to focus on decorating a room, buying clothes, picking a name, and everything else that goes with knowing the baby's gender, so I might as well wait until the end of December when coursework was completed and school was on break. We did really well at not bugging Aunt Karissa about telling us until the Thursday before the reveal when school was out and classes were officially completed. At this point we exchanged some funny text messages where I threatened to have the baby call her Aunt Jerk-face and she called me devil woman. Being that we went a whole 4 weeks of Karissa knowing and us not, I would say we did pretty darn good!

At the reveal we had my parents, brother, and Uncle Ronnie present; along with Noah's parents and brother and his wife. Aunt Karissa and Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jillian also came.

Jillian came prepared with cute ribbon for everyone to pin to their shirt showing if they were "Team Boy" or "Team Girl." We had a surprisingly good mixture of both. I however was wrong with my "Team Boy," but thanks to Jillian, Maxers was correct with his pink ribbon! Karissa and Ryan came with the box of balloons (big thanks to Ryan for also taking all the pictures). I am so thankful for these friends and I am excited for the important role they will play in our daughter's life.

My plan was to text a chunk of people to let them know (extended family, close friends, colleagues)  before it became face book official but my brother beat me to it and posted on face book before I even had a chance to pick up my phone. Needless to say my phone instantly blew up with text messages. Leave to your pesky little brother to screw up your well thought out plans :)

It was a wonderful day that we are so glad we got to share with friends and family, full of wonderful memories that we can't wait to show little girl someday!

Opening the box!
Here comes the PINK!

Proud Parents
Big Brother

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