Monday, January 28, 2013

The long awaited, THIRD Trimester!

I am 28 weeks and officially in the third trimester! Some people tell me the time is going to fly by now, but lets be honest, they said that about the past two trimester and the past 28 weeks have lasted FOREVER! Other people say the end goes by the slowest, but really can it go any slower??? As you can tell, I am not a fan of this whole pregnancy thing, I know, I know, it will be worth it in the end. I have never doubted it, but wow this is so different than I ever expected. I thought I would continue to run, have a cute bump all out in front, and waddle around as a happy as a duck in a pond. No such luck.

I have felt a lot better lately, in fact I haven't thrown up in 2 weeks (besides tonight, but hey I went 2 weeks)!!!  I have even been able to eat meat for dinner a few times a week over the past two weeks. Exercise is also become a more regular part of my life again. But when I say exercise I mean a 30 minute walk through the neighborhood with Max, in which we both end up back at the house winded and tired. My dear friend Amber (who is also miserably pregnant with a little girl due 3 weeks after ours) and I plan on walking everyday after school starting this week. Amber has been my life line over the past 6 months. As mean as this sounds, it has been so nice to have someone who feels as miserable as I do to relate with on a daily basis.

Heartburn is still a prominent part of my daily life, but as long as I follow the "rules" and take my medicine and (chew lots of tums) it is relatively manageable. My diet is made basically of bland foods like fruit, dairy, and grains, along with small portions of meat now being integrated. Vegetables (especially lettuce), anything with a red sauce, and pretty much anything with flavor is off limits.  I have had a few cravings...cinnamon rolls and chinese lo mein noodles.

We are starting to get really excited for little girl to be here and we have made some really fun purchases, I get quite the thrill in finding bargains! I bought some cute hair bows (way fancier than I can make) with a Zulily deal that let me purchase 30 bucks worth for 15! I have also been to Children's Orchard in Olathe a few times, which I might add is my new favorite store! I plan on buying all her clothes second hand. We scored a cute Columbia purple windbreaker for next spring for 4.00 (Daddy Noah found it and picked it out), a GAP summer dress for 5.00, a cute fancy church dress for 4.00 and a GAP jacket for this fall for 4.00, among other things.

We have picked her name and feel pretty confident it it. However, we are choosing not share until she is officially here. Noah and I have had fun referring to her by name when it is just the two of us and sometimes I will make him say it just for fun :)

We started our registries at Target and Buy Buy Baby a couple weekends ago. We both enjoyed the process, until we where in Target and Noah said "I am about done with you walking around in circles. We have been down every isle four times." Haha, I knew then it was a good time to call it quits. He was quite the trooper and enjoyed holding the "gun" and would just scan as I pointed. We got mildly overwhelmed when it came to sections of "Safety" and "Feeding" areas, so a couple of my girlfriends who are already momma's are going to go back with me and help me out. We are so thankful for our wonderful support system!

This past weekend we bought her baby bedding. Originally, I was going to do all white bedding but I found an adorable cream and white linen set at Pottery Barn Kids for super, super cheap on clearance. We love it, and have some extra motivation to get the crib done so we can set it all up!

Hopefully our next posting will be the "Nursery Reveal." The walls are painted and a bookshelf/nightstand, changing table/dresser, and crib are getting re-finished within the week. Ryan and Karissa (aka Godparents) are coming over tomorrow to help us hang the chandelier and a few other decorations!

T-Minus 12 Weeks (10 if I get my way) until Little Girl is here!

People actually notice I am pregnant! Hooray for not just looking chunky! She's growing!

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