Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Our little Blakely is 3 MONTHS and we are loving life!

Another busy month for us filled with smiles & laughter!


No Dr. Appt this month so we don't have official stats.

Not sure of exact measurements and percentiles, but boy does she have a long torso! Newborn onesies are no longer long enough to snap and newborn pants are more like capris. Even some 0-3 months pants and sleepers are too short.

The Tuesday before her 3 month anniversary she weighed 10 lbs 4.5 oz and just a mere two weeks later she weighed over 11 lbs! This is quite the growth spurt given that at our weekly weight checks she has been gaining an average of 4.5-5 oz.

Head Circumference:
Not sure, but it still seems rather large in comparison to her skinny body! She is working hard at getting good at holding it up herself.

She is officially out of all newborn clothes. I had to pack them all up, it was hard to do, I loved some of those outfits! However 0-3 month clothes are still a little big around the arms and waist but her long torso/legs make even 3 month pants shorts. I foresee problems finding shorts, pants, and skirts that are appropriate lengths in her future!

She is quite the talker these days! She loves to be echoed and we have some good conversations on a daily basis :) She also is smiling and laughing out loud. It is so fun to see her head turn when she hears my voice across the room. She is able to focus and follows objects in front of her.

On The Move: 
I guarantee that by next month she will be professional roller! She is so close to rolling over. My mom swears she has done it a few times with her but I hold firm that it doesn't count til she doesn't it with mommy and daddy!
If only that pesky arm wasn't in the way!
Still just breast milk. However, on vacation ( with all the craziness that come with vacation) this month we  supplemented with formula on a daily basis.
taking a bottle from Nana.
With having to stay with my parents while our air conditioning unit got replaced and a week long vacation with family this has month has lacked our regular scheduling. However, despite all that Blakely continued to sleep consistently well at night (minus a few nights). She sleeps one 6-8 hour stint and then wakes up to eat and goes directly back down for another 2-3 hours. Naps on the other hand have been lacking, making her a fussy and tired baby in the evenings. We are just now getting her to nap again. My goal is to get her to take a morning nap that is around an hour long and then an afternoon nap that is 2 hours long or so. We are also working on moving her bedtime routine up to 8 pm and having her sleep in til around 6:30-7:00 am. Wednesday night was the first time we moved her bedtime up and she took it like a champ! Hopefully it continues as I go back to school! My goal is to be able to get up and get ready before I get her up around 6:30 and change her diaper and clothes, and feed her and get out the door by 7:15-7:30 am.
taking a "cat nap" with daddy.
What Blakely Likes: 
Her hand....sometimes its just two or three fingers but most of time it is literally the entire fist, its  impressive.

She also likes to kick her legs, I think she is going to be a  track star. We always tease her and ask "Where ya going?"

She loves to be naked! When she gets really fussy we just strip her down and like magic she calms right now.

She loves ceiling fans and lights. She can stare at them for hours! Ok, lets be honest....more like minutes!)

She also loves bath time.

She loves her bouncy seat and play mat and is liking her bumbo seat more and more.

And of course, she loves her Momma and Daddy!

What Blakely Dislikes: 
She still does not like tummy time, at all.

She also does not like to be hungry or have a dirty diaper (what baby does?) Without a warning she will scream bloody murder. Its like she is saying "I was hungry 5 minutes ago, did you not know that?"

Aren't we just the cutest?

Final Cuddles with Mom before school starts!

Sibling Love!

I mean seriously, the cutest. ever,

Love these moments!

Brother is so good, just laid there and let her kick, kick, kick!
He loves his Blakely sister!

We thank God daily for the gift he gave us in  our sweet Blakely and are blessed to experience the joy of life with her!

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