Friday, January 3, 2014

8 Months!

They say time flies when you are having a good time and we definitely agree! Blakely is so much fun right now (not that she wasn't before). She is a non stop talker and is such a happy happy girl!

I am guessing a little over 15 lbs, we have an officially dr appt next month

Not sure but she seems to be getting taller

Head Circumfrence
still seems large :)

We are officially out of 3 month clothing. 3-6 month clothing fits the best. 6 month clothing is a little baggy but we are wearing it because most of of our 3-6 month clothing isn't winter appropriate and her 6 month clothing is. We weren't expecting to have an 8 month old who is too small 6 month clothing :)

She is quite the talker. She makes noises to get your attention (especially when she wants more food) and loves to talk to anyone who will listen.

On the Move
She is sitting independently, still kind of wobbly, but sitting none the less. She isn't crawling yet but is a rolling machine. She loves to stand while holding onto your fingers or something in front of her however she hasn't quite gotten the hang of taking any steps. 

This kid loves to eat. seriously, she can pack the food in....I am not sure where she puts it cause she is still so tiny. I take that back, I do...she poops, like 3-5 times a day. It's crazy. But enough with the poo and back to the food. Her favorites seem to be sweet potatoes and bananas. She loves to chomp on frozen bananas in this little net thing we have. We have discovered she is definitely allergic to green beans but peas are ok. I need to be careful and integrate more greens in her diet so she doesn't turn orange. We are going to try spinach and asparagus soon.

Blakely is finally start to sleep better again! In fact last night she slept from 8pm- 6 am! Typically she is going to bed at 7:30-8 pm and sleeping til 11ish when she wants nurse but then she is sleeping midnight til 6:45-7 am when I wake her up. I like it because I am getting a full 6 hours of interrupted sleep!

Right now she is loving life in general but some of her favorite things in life are: bananas, sweet potatoes, rolling to and fro, bath time, talking, and playing peek a boo!

There isn't much in life she dislikes right now, she is such a happy girl. I am happy to report that tummy time is no longer a dislike. She is a rolling machine and will roll herself on her tummy and push herself up and bear weight in her arms....both of which are two of our therapy goals, so that is exciting!

She dislikes when her food runs out a meal time and she is still hungry. She will squack and kick her feet til we give her more. However, other than that she is loving life!

Max the "pony"

sleeping at Aunt Kissa's and Uncle RyRy's


Classy girl with her birdcage hair piece.

could they be more related???

Creative with bath time.
Too big for laying in baby tub but too small to sit in big tub.

Say What? My kid is big enough to drink from a sippy??

She loves her daddy.

wrestling with brother. He is a good boy!


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