Tuesday, January 28, 2014

9 Months Old

Our little girl is not so little any more. She is nine months old and the center of our entire world!
sweet girl always has a big smile on her face!

I swear, that chair gets smaller each month!

this animation does a great job of show just how "on the move" she is!
This month was her nine month appointment so we have some "official" stats to share.
Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz
She gain 3 lbs in 3 months! The addition of baby food has helped boost her weight and she is now in the 21st percentile for weight. She has never been over the 12th percentile.
Head Circumfrence17.75 inches
Still large and in charge in the 83rd percentile
Height: 27.5 inches
Sitting pretty in the 48th percentile
Blakely is officially to big for 3-6 month clothing and 6 month clothing is getting a little small, we have maybe one more month of wearing that size. However, 9 month clothing is still way too big!
She is such the social butterfly! She loves to jibber jabber constantly! She makes lots of sounds, but none really on purpose. mama, dada, yaya, uhhh, nnnn. However, I am pretty sure she said her first word while eating a few days ago...yum! We say it alot while she is eating and she did it all on her own that time! Although she doesn't necessarily use particular sounds to identify certain words yet, she is definitely using sounds as a way to communicate and will sqack and squeal at us for more food, to get our attention if she is feeling ignored, or to show excitement and frustration. Social communication is definitely this kids strength!
On The Move
If you have read this blog at all, you know that gross motor is an area that we work really hard with Miss Blakely on. I am happy to announce that she is FINALLY sitting fully independently. She is also doing a much better job of leaning on her arm and then slowly transitioning down to her side when she wants to go from sitting to laying down, instead of just throwing her head backwards like she was doing before. She is still a rolling machine but is showing sign of getting ready to crawl. She will do what we call "assuming the position" and pull her feet under her body and push up on her hands and rock back and forth on all fours.She will also take steps when holding on to someone's hands. I feel really good about where Blakely is gross motor wise :)
To say this kid likes to eat is a gross understatement. She eats and eats and eats. We have started giving her stage two baby food, same food, just a little less blended so that she has to chew it more on her own. We are even starting to give her table food. Nana Perrigo loves to do this and Blakely has tried lots of new food with her including chicken noodle soup and spaghetti.
Blakely is doing a good job of sleeping. We typically start bedtime routine of bath, lotion, story, prayers, and nursing around 7 pm and she is usually asleep a little after 8. Blakely still gets up once a night to eat, which is completely typical for a breast feed baby. I usually wake her up right around 7 am.
Blakely love life in general. But right now her favorites are Food, Sawyer, Mommy and Daddy. IN THAT ORDER :)
There isn't really anything Blakely doesn't like. The only time she gets fussy is...
1. if Mommy is making her work too long and too hard at gross motor skills.
2. we are not feeding her fast enough.
3. When Mommy leaves the room.
Blakely Mae, you bring joy to all those you surround and are the light of our life!
she loves playing with her basket of toys.
More with the basket than with the toys :)

Playing with her buddy William in the nursery.
We won't try to analyze what he is reaching for ;)

Golly, I just love that smile!

Wearing Aunt Kissa's rain boots!

How cute is that hat!

Cuddles for mommy, few and far between!

Lots of Kisses

She loves her daddy!

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